Applications Developer Intern
Oracle, San Jose, Jan 2023 – June 2023
Spearheaded the design, development, and presentation of an initial application to senior management,
that served as a launchpad for a comprehensive development project
with a dedicated team of 10 software engineers.
Developed a robust bidding platform using Oracle APEX,
streamlining contract management, and enhancing user experience..
Utilized Agile/SCRUM, executing biweekly sprints for
timely updates & seamless collaboration with a 3-member developer team.
Leveraged SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create
an intuitive and responsive web application.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, Jan 2022 – May 2022
- Conducted and maintained office hours 10 hours per week to meet with students.
Evaluated and graded 75 student assignments biweekly.
Assisted student with Data Structures and Algorithms concepts like
heaps, graphs, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming and graph